Tag Archives: 3d assembly instructions

How BuildIn3D can help your academy (Part 1) – Let’s get into the new decade

For most of our team everything started from an extracurricular academy teaching LEGO robotics. Back in those days there was this great website – http://www.nxtprograms.com/ (Actually it is still working until this day!) with tens of free building instructions for the LEGO Mindstorms NXT set. The instructions are simply photos of each step put on […]

Changing the background and primary color of a BuildIn3D model and building instructions

This is a feature announcement. We’ve implemented a feature in our Instructions Steps editor to allow authors of 3D models and building instruction to change the background color and primary color of the viewer for the instructions they create. Here is how it works as a demo: Documentation is available at https://www.buildin3d.com/docs Why this feature? […]

Keep the users for 30 seconds longer on your E-commerce product page

Here is our offer – we are going to keep the users for 30 seconds more on your product page and they will find it fun and entertaining. Today we put the offer like this as we had to explain and answer the question “Why should we put 3D on our eCommerce store?”. The truth […]

Support for all FabBRIX products at BuildIn3D

Today we formed a partnership with the FabBRIX brand. It is a “New 100% biodegradable construction toy, FabBRIX adds to the pleasure of playing the satisfaction of an eco-responsible purchase.” A few weeks back we saw FabBRIX, thought it was one of the coolest brands we’ve seen lately and tried to build a couple of […]

The data behind building LEGO – Gyro-Like Mechanism Example

[3D assembly Instructions Statistics] One of the authors at fllcasts.com created this really nice Gyro-Like free moving mechanism. Let’s see what we could learn about LEGO builders from the statistics of this mechanism Gyro-like free moving mechanism with LEGO Spike parts What does the data show? Some people watch the animation for 8 minutes These […]

A 3D assembly instruction that is 100 times less expensive in traffic than a picture?

Today we broke the internet.. we generated a 3D assembly instruction for the FabBRIX brand. These are wooden toys that are “LEGO Compatible”. They have common parts although some parts are different. The instruction is: FabBRIX JUNGLE LIFE – Gorilla We created a full fledged 3D assembly instruction that requires only 7.76KB in traffic compare […]

Things don’t always go as planed

We are doing a complete rewrite on the animations engine, conversion and generation for the last year or so. Last wee we had the first animation build with the new engine. It went very smooth. Today we had our second animation rebuild to run with the new animation engine and some things don’t always go […]

The data behind building LEGO – LEGO Baby Yoda Example 1

[3D assembly Instructions Statistics] Do you like DATA? Because this article is about how a 516 steps LEGO model Baby Yoda The Child 75318 is followed and built by users. In this series I would like to share how users are building the LEGO Baby Yoda that was released about a month ago. We have […]

BuildIn3D featured in the BABYLON JS 4.2 release video

On Friday we got featured in the BABYLON JS release video for version 4.2. Thank you Babylon team. Your framework is great and we are able to add great value for our customers with our Instructions Steps (IS) framework on top of Babylon JS. We, BuildIn3d deliver 3D assembly instructions and 3D in general in […]