Today we announce support for a new form of embed by BuildIn3D. It is called “IFrame Embed”. Up until now we supported JS Embed Code and integration with WooCommerce and Shopify. We hope that users will find the support for IFrame embed useful with systems and e-commerce sites where it is not possible to use […]
Category Archives: News
This is a feature announcement. We’ve implemented a feature in our Instructions Steps editor to allow authors of 3D models and building instruction to change the background color and primary color of the viewer for the instructions they create. Here is how it works as a demo: Documentation is available at Why this feature? […]
In January 2021, we, the BuildIn3D platform, formed a partnership with the owners of the FabBrix toys brand to visualize 3D models and building instructions for all the brand products. We’ve already built 76 models and building instructions. You can see them live at the site. shows three of them. Easy visualization of […]
The news today – clients of the FabBrix brand could see the 3D building instructions of the sets they’ve purchased directly on the FabBrix website.
It is now possible to integrate BuildIn3D with WooCommerce stores. The goal of the integration is to allow WooCommerce users to show animated and interactive 3D models and building instructions along with the pictures for the products they sell. The plugin is available from the WordPress plugins repo at “BuildIn3D for WooCommerce” Here is how […]
Today we formed a partnership with the FabBRIX brand. It is a “New 100% biodegradable construction toy, FabBRIX adds to the pleasure of playing the satisfaction of an eco-responsible purchase.” A few weeks back we saw FabBRIX, thought it was one of the coolest brands we’ve seen lately and tried to build a couple of […]
Today we broke the internet.. we generated a 3D assembly instruction for the FabBRIX brand. These are wooden toys that are “LEGO Compatible”. They have common parts although some parts are different. The instruction is: FabBRIX JUNGLE LIFE – Gorilla We created a full fledged 3D assembly instruction that requires only 7.76KB in traffic compare […]
We are doing a complete rewrite on the animations engine, conversion and generation for the last year or so. Last wee we had the first animation build with the new engine. It went very smooth. Today we had our second animation rebuild to run with the new animation engine and some things don’t always go […]
On Friday we got featured in the BABYLON JS release video for version 4.2. Thank you Babylon team. Your framework is great and we are able to add great value for our customers with our Instructions Steps (IS) framework on top of Babylon JS. We, BuildIn3d deliver 3D assembly instructions and 3D in general in […]
Предстои обявяването на програма за “Дигитализация, възстановяване и потенциален растеж”, чрез която всяко едно производство може да интегрира 3D инструкции за асемблиране като част от дигитализацията, възстановяването и отварянето към нов потенциален растеж.
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