The news today – clients of the FabBrix brand could see the 3D building instructions of the sets they’ve purchased directly on the FabBrix website. Check the instructions on pages like:
Here is a screenshot of how it looks like (yes we know, we will change the background soon. It will be different and not so blue)

E-commerce stores could also integrate the instructions for all the sets. Check

What is FabBrix?
FabBrix is a brand of wooden brick toys. We partner with the team behind the brand as we really like the concept. Wooden, recyclable and interesting. The stickers make them really funny.
How many FabBrix instructions are there?
As of today we’ve uploaded 62 instructions for some of the most popular products, and in the next few weeks we expect to have something like 80 instructions.
“How can I use these instructions on my E-Commerce store”?
Are you selling FabBrix? – it takes less than a minute to integrate with BuildIn3D and increase user engagement and conversions. You can visit the 3D model and building instructions, select the instruction and select Embed.
You can also use BuildIn3D for WooCommerce and Shopify Integration if you happen to be using these store builders.
In conclusion
Do you know of other brands that would like to join BuildIn3D and visualize 3D models and building instructions for the products they are selling? Please, direct them to us! We need your help to resolve the problem of following building instructions for all Internet users at once.
With FabBrix I’ve personally bookmarked two of the pages where they’ve embedded our instructions and I check them regularly

Here is one FabBrix Good Boy, as you are here.
FabBRIX Pets, Dog in 3D building instructions