Do you record video tutorials for you products? In how many languages do you make them available?
BuildIn3D delivers all the robots at FLLCasts is one of the largest platforms for STEM Education and robot instructions, delivering content to users in 80+ countries.
The team at FLLCasts was recording videos for the robots and there was the following challenge:
How do we record the video tutorial with native speakers in 20 languages for all 80+ countries?
“Language and accent are not native”
If you record English tutorials with a non native speaker a large portion of the USA market is disappointed. Generally if you are not a native “X” speaker the market speaking this language is disappointed. FLLCasts is working with students in 80+ countries. This meant recording video tutorials in at least 20 languages which is extremely expensive and the subscription will be so high that people would not subscribe.
So the team at FLLCasts came with a clear goal for us and a job to be done:
We receive questions from USA market that some of the trainers are non native speakers. We receive questions from Latin America that are directly in Spanish. We often get tickets in Mandarin or in Arab. We are helping so many people that many of them think we speak their language. But we speak math, science, programming, robotics and engineering.
We would like to have tutorials demonstrating the use of the robots and make these tutorials available to students speaking all languages. We would like to teach students STEM without even the need for native speaker explanations to be used. We need to give our engineering team the tools to present STEM knowledge without felling concerned about their accent in different languages.
FLLCasts (around 2019)
How BuildIn3D addressed the problem with languages?
The BuildIn3D platform helped FLLCasts to completely remove the need for native speakers, subtitles and audio content, and has allowed the platform to focus on the knowledge, not the accent in the language with which this knowledge is delivered.
All the robots have animated 3D building instructions
As we have the animated and interactive 3D building instructions there is no need for explanations, especially native speaker explanations. How the robots work is demonstrated directly with the animations. If additional explanation is needed users could point to a specific part and get a short written description in their language.
It takes some effort to think how to present the challenge and tutorials, but with 3D instructions and a video tutorial it is all clear for all students of all ages speaking any language. We turned the table. We allowed FLLCasts to skipped the whole “languages part” and focused on what was important.
Here is also one rendered video tutorial that you could see directly at FLLCasts