Is it for you?

Even though our proprietary technologies and format of the building instructions we serve make it as hard as possible for users to simply download your instructions, they can always screenshot them and upload them on a third party website without your knowledge. More on that you can read in the following blog post. This feature is made for our users that want to add this extra layer of protection on your IP and make sure that people know those instructions are yours.

What we offer?

Here is a simple example of what a branded and not branded instructions look like:


Branding LEGO Instructions

If you are LEGO content creator, then this is the feature that can highlight your instructions from all of the rest and stop impostors from uploading your instructions as if they are theirs. In our experience a Logo with square 1:1 proportion and a website, email or some other text that is associated with your work with proportion less than 1:10 works best. Here are few examples:


How to enable the feature on your Instructions?

If your subscription includes the branding feature, all you need to do is send us over email your logo and/or your website in vector format (preferably svg) and a list of the parts that you want to be branded in your instructions. We will handle the rest.