The pain: High bounce rate is a problem. Users search on the internet, click on a link in an ad or in the search results, come to the site, see the product, the price and leave the website. There is little engagement and brand building in the process.

The solution: BuildIn3D visualizes animated and interactive 3D models and building instructions for the products sold on the E-commerce platform. Users stay about 20-30 seconds more on the product page, playing with the 3D and interacting with it, rotating the camera, zooming, seeing the animations. Even when not interested in buying users may visit related products to just to see what the 3D is and to interact with it. It’s an experience. This leaves a lasting memory from your website. At one point all the E-commerce stores will have 3D in the same way as all the stores have pictures of the products and not just a spreadsheet with prices.