$0 / m
Ideal to start and see how it works
1000 parts stored
5,000 parts delivered per month
1000 statistics events stored
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As an enterprise you might have a special case of instructions that are too large, or too small, or delivered way too many times. Get in touch with us and let's talk business.

Pricing details

What is a ‘part’?

The pricing for storage and delivery is based on “parts”. Each assembly instruction shows you how to assemble a model. Each model consists of different parts. 

A ‘Part’ is a geometry with position that appears as a single assembled unit in the instructions. The “parts” are what you would like to show in the “Bill of Materials”. If a single bolt appears 10 times on 10 different places in the instruction, then these are 10 parts.  


Each instruction is stored and ready to be delivered to 99.9% of internet users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


A user visits the instruction. The instruction must be delivered and visualized in the client browser. When an instruction is visited by 10 users it means it is delivered 10 times.

Statistics events

Each time a user visits a step of the instruction, zooms the camera, and rotates with the mouse an event is stored. 


While you are here

Yes, it is basically free to start and pay only when you are using the instructions. Follow this instruction to see how your customers will feel. 

Axlessoft Cooler